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Expanding the  Training Team

CFY’s Education, Employment, and Social Enterprise (EESE) team saw its training program grow during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. EESE takes a three-pronged approach to running CFY social enterprises – business, support, and training. These three prongs form a strong base that supports EESE and the individual social enterprises it operates, with each individual prong having its own leadership and support staff.


Scaling to Partner Organizations

Many community-based organizations operate social enterprises across our province and some of these businesses need developmental support. CFY’s Education, Employment, and Social Enterprise (EESE) team has the tools and expertise to help scale those businesses into more successful social enterprises and has been doing just that across NL for the last several years.

Development of LEAP

CFY’s Education, Employment, and Social Enterprise (EESE) team made a significant addition to the training provided to youth in its Employment Support program. The EESE training team has grown in recent years and in 2022/2023 that growth facilitated the development of the Lifework Education Applied Practice (LEAP) training program.

Image by Kenny Eliason
Main Office

261 Duckworth Street

St. John's, NL

A1C 1G9


P: 709.754.0446

F: 709.726.3125

E: info@choicesforyouth

Charity info

Choices for Youth
Registered Charity
130889942 RR0001

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